Certification body for products is accredited by The Slovak National Accreditation Service (SNAS) according to the general requirements by STN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 for certification of products.
Accreditation scope
certification for steel and aluminium structures according to STN EN 1090, accreditation item no. 1.1
STN EN 1090-2:2020
STN EN 1090-3:2019
certification of the welding process of metal products, including designated technical equipment according to STN EN
ISO 3834, accreditation item no. 4.1
STN EN ISO 3834-2:2021
STN EN ISO 3834-3:2021
STN EN ISO 3834-4:2021
Certification body for products carry out the welding of railway vehicles and components according to STN EN 15085, accreditation item no. 4.2
STN EN 15085-2:2021
Registration of certified entities in the international online registries of ECWRV certified manufacturers
Conformity assessment of simple pressure vessels accodring to Directive 2014/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, accreditation item no. 2.1
Module B – EU-Type examination
Module C1 – Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing
Module C2 – Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel checks at random intervals
Conformity assessment of pressure equipment according to Directive 2014/68/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, accreditation item no. 3.1
Module B – EU-Type examination – production type
Module B1 – EU-Type examination – design type
Module C2 – Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals
Module D – Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
Module D1 – Quality assurance of the production process
Module E – Conformity to type based on pressure equipment quality assurance
Module F – Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification
Module G – Conformity based on unit verification
Module H – Conformity based on full quality assurance
THE FIRST WELDING, Inc. as a founding partner of European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles (ECWRV)” placed in Halle is in Slovakia the only one emitted to registered the company certificated by EN 15085. Our Certification body for products can register into the online register EN 15085 – www.en15085.net and en15085.joincert.eu, which records all certificates of recognized welding companies. Database of manufacturer is accessible for public and it is an information source in processes for choosing the manufacturer.
The Transport authority as a safety authority of Slovak republic on railway granted the certification body for products the Certificate to recognize the Certification body by STN EN 15085.
The Transport authority as a safety authority of Slovak republic on railway granted the certification body of products the Certificate according to the NR No. 513/2009 about transport Authorization to verify the requirements for non-destructive testing steel bridge and bridge similar transport structure and transport vehicle.
The Transport authority as a safety authority of Slovak republic on railway granted the certification body of products the Certificate according to the NR No. 513/2009 about transport Authorization to verify the requirements of documentation for non-destructive testing steel bridge and bridge similar transport structure and transport vehicle.
The Transport authority as a safety authority of Slovak republic on railway granted the certification body of products the Certificate according to the NR No. 513/2009 about transport Authorization to verify the requirements for welding a steel bridge and railroad bridge similar structures and transport vehicle.
The Transport authority as a safety authority of Slovak republic on railway granted the certification body of products the Certificate according to the NR No. 513/2009 about transport Authorization to verify the requirements of documentation for welding a steel bridge and railroad bridge similar structures and transport vehicle.
Impartiality of the Certification Body for Products:
The entitled to representation FIRST WELDING, Inc., is committed to his statements that the Certification body for products will create the conditions for credible and impartial assessment and certification for independent action. The certification body will impose unacceptable financial or other requirements requiring compliance with non-discriminatory procedures for assessment and certification by the applicants. The principle of audit and certification, as well as financial issue will be agreed with application form with requesters for certification for products in the beginning of all processes.